Friday, February 20, 2009

My Latest Obsession

So, my friend Ashley recently told me about her new favorite cereal - “Peanut Butter Panda Puffs” by Envirokidz. As the name suggests, this is a kids cereal, and I am no kid; but then again, aren't all the best-tasting consumables marketed to the younger generation?

I happened to be at Whole Foods the other day (strange, I know), and spotted said cereal on the shelf. "Hmmmmmm....." I thought. The box says that they are organic (and you all know how I feel about health food). However, Ashley has impeccable taste, and if she likes them, they can't be that bad. So I bought them. And I bought a box of “Leapin' Lemurs," also by Envirokidz, since they looked kind of interesting and had the words "chocolate flavored" in the description (plus, I loved saying the name!).

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These cereals are organic, gluten-free, wheat-free, low-sodium, have no trans-fats, synthetic additives, or preservatives – and despite that, I absolutely love them!! I can’t stop eating them. It’s like they put an addictive chemical in them or something (and I crave them more than fortnightly!).

Now I just might be forced to try Envirokidz “Gorilla Munch” and “Orangutan-O’s.” Seriously, could there be anything more fun to eat than kids cereal? I think not.


Karina & John Calderwood said...

I miss Whole Foods...

Emily said...

I'm all about kids cereal!

Blythe said...

I miss Whole Foods too! I MUST find some of that cereal. must be 2 in the morning, I'm ravenous.

Sam and James said...

It's good to know that you have the food section covered in your blog. Just think, if you gave up your day job, you could be a food critic and get paid to sample lots of yummy foods. I could give up my job and become your photographer. PS.. we just found a new Chinese take-away and it's very yummy. We must do lunch!

PDXTingeys said...

Are you turning into a health nut?? I never thought I would see the day. Pretty soon you'll be eating fat free products.

Courtney said...

Never. NEVER will I eat fat-free foods, Jamie!!

Jessica said...

Luckily they still have Whole Foods in Portland!!!

Unknown said...

Gorilla Munch is a favorite in our home. My kids think they are eating junk food and I laugh a sinister laugh to myself, knowing I have won, at least this this time. BTW, Trader Joe's sells them for a slightly lower price than W.F. At least here in Ma.