Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It is a sad, sad day in the television world. I recently found out that "Pushing Daisies," which is probably just about my favorite TV show ever, has been cancelled. Woe is me!!!

Seriously, it absolutely amazes me that ridiculous, plotless, trashy shows like "Wife Swap" and "Deal or No Deal" remain on the air, while intelligent, witty, and innovative shows like "Pushing Daisies" get sent to cable TV heaven. I guess it is just an indicator of the current mental capacity of our society. And the world wonders why America doesn’t seem any smarter than a fifth grader. Boo!

For those of you that have never watched this show before, I would highly recommend it (well, at least watching the re-runs). The writing is smart and funny (I laugh out loud a lot!), the characters are likeable and well-developed, and the storyline is totally unique. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before – imaginative, kind of like a cross between a fairy tale and a Tim Burton movie. And it even has a little romance thrown in there, too. Plus, I am totally in love with Lee Pace, the actor who plays one of the main characters, Ned (who is unabashedly adorable) - so that doesn't hurt either!!

Mmmmmmmm. Yummy!
I am truly disappointed in ABC, and may even consider an action to boycott them in the future. Well, honestly, I don't think that will actually ever happen. Why must I be so addicted to TV? Damn the inventors of TiVo!! Anyway, I at least plan on writing a strongly worded letter of complaint to ABC, and if you care about "Pushing Daisies" in any way, you should too!! Let's save the Pie Hole, people!!

P.S. Below is a cute scene from a recent episode where Kristin Chenoweth (the original Glinda from Broadway’s Wicked, thank you very much!) breaks into song, belting out the Bangles’ “Eternal Flame.” Totally silly and random, but I love it!!


Blythe said...


Sam and James said...

I'm sorry for your loss,will you be wearing black for the traditional mourning period?

Emily said...

noooooooo i love this show... it might yet be saved though! check my blog for a link to tv finale's I posted about October Road.... it might yet make it!

Jessica said...

A travesty of infinite proportions. :(

Karina & John Calderwood said...

Oh no! I fear this is totally my fault! I faithfully watched this show (the writer is actually from the small town where I currently live), but then I missed a couple episodes because I forgot to set the Tivo and then when I finally was back at home to watch it, I started watching something else (can't remember what show, but probably something stupid). I probably missed like 4 or 5 shows. It is totally my fault. I should have kept watching for ratings purposes! My apologies.

Marcus said...

Hey Court. I am good. It is nice to be home with my family and to take a break from work and life and the city. Next quarter is going to be really busy for me, but I only have 2 quarters left at Merrill Lynch, and then who knows where I will go or what I will do!


Unknown said...

Hey Courtney! Great to see you again in cyberspace. I owe a great deal of my current US pop culture education to you--I see not much has changed. I will be checking for more entertainment news. BTW, If you think I sound old with a four-year-old and all, you should check out my soon-to-be salt and pepper hair. Aha, that's why I don't post pics. Glad to see you're doing so well.